Friday, 18 November 2011

Rites Of Passage 2012!

The Soul Inn House team will be working at Rites Of Passage Tattoo Convention and Arts Festival on the 27th, 28th and 29th of April 2012.
If you are interested in getting a tattoo or just want to stop by and say hello, contact us at, or check out the Rites Of Passage website for more details!

Finished piece by Clare!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Contribute to good causes!

Some good causes to be aware of!

Proceeds of $500 have been contributed by Clare from her charity tattoo day, given to the WWF's "Heart of Borneo" Project to save the Orangutans.

$300 was also given to Queensland Marine Turtles, which are dying of fibropapilloma virus due to chemical run-off washed into the sea by Cyclone Yazi. They are also dying of starvation from their feeding grounds being covered by debris from the cyclone. Immediate action needs to be taken to save these amazing creatures!

And finally, education shouldn't be f***ed with!
PLEASE people, sign this petition!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Winter Opening Hours

Soul Inn House has changed our operating hours for winter, so until summer rolls around again we are here:

Tues to Fri - 10am-6pm
Saturday - 10am-5pm
Sunday - 10am-3pm

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Encouraging Young Talent.

Courtney (14) and Will (15) brightened up the rear courtyard at Soul Inn House, if anyone wants some colour on their walls - They're up for it! Email us for more information.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Charity Day!

On the 29th of April, the artists at Soul Inn House will be having a Charity Day!
Soul Inn House will be donating a percentage of the days proceedings to the Sea Shepherd and WWF (World Wildlife Fund) for the orangutans.
If you would like to get more information on either of these worthy causes, check out the Sea Shepherd's website, or email them.

You can also check out the WWF website or email them, as well as check out their many projects including the Heart Of Borneo Campaign.

On a related note, Japan still needs a lot of help while they recover from the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that has caused so much damage. Shige from Yellow Blaze Tattoo Studio in Yokohama, Japan is donating all proceeds from his art print and T-shirt sales, so if you'd like to you can visit his website for more information.
You can also help through Save The Children.

Rites Of Passage Tattoo and Arts Festival.

On the 28th, 29th and 30th of January 2011 Soul Inn House attended the first Rites of Passage Tattoo and Arts Festival at the Royal Exhibition Buildings in Carlton.

A wonderful and busy time was had by us all during the convention. Our two star ladies were a main attraction, with their machines buzzing constantly for the whole three days.

In all a very colourful weekend and we look forward to attending it again next year.

Check out some pictures below, hover over thumbnails for captions.

Clare sizing up the day's work ahead

Buddha bless

All at work - Terrell is cameraman

All at work - Terrell is cameraman

My word - I feel so good

Wendy works her wonders

Clare can't take anymore!!

Trav taking it easy while Clare slaves away

Ah tattoos! Clare works her magic!

Wendy and her wonderous ways

Busy girls!

May the force be with you

Soul Inn House has a blog!

Welcome to the blog for Soul Inn House Custom Tattoo Art & Body Piercing Clinic!
We will be posting tattoos and information on events we are involved in here, so check back often and make sure to check out our website and Facebook for more.

You can also email us if you are interested in getting tattooed or pierced, we have 4 artists available, being Clare, Wendy, Terrell and our apprentice Matt.

Check out the Contact Us or About Us pages for more details and information.

Here are some of Clare's latest works, mostly works in progress. More from her and the other artists to come.

Work In Progress

Work In Progress

Work In Progress

Recent Work

Work In Progress

Work In Progress

Work In Progress

Work In Progress